6 Easy Ways to Save Energy with Home Automation System

June 9, 2022

Smart Home Automation systems provide accessibility and convenience to control your entire property programs such as security, climate, media, lights, video surveillance, and so much more by using the comfort of your smart device at any time from anywhere in the world. It provides the opportunity to engage with the property thoroughly, even from a distance. In addition to this, home automation systems make a considerable decrease in the amount of energy consumed.

Home automation systems lower energy consumption and household expenses at the same time. They also help in diminishing carbon footprint—- an outstanding contribution in saving the atmosphere. Fully programmed temperature, lights, fans, and shades and the utilization of the one-stop “all off” electronics features can create significant monthly savings for the users.

The 6 easy ways to save energy with Home Automation System are mentioned below:

Lights Out

The home automation system shots off the lights when a kid or an adult leaves the room and has forgotten to turn off the light. The motion sensors confirm that the lights are on when needed and upon room occupancy. And then turn the lights off when no longer required to save the resources instead of wasting energy to light up an empty room. So by using motion sensors, the system makes sure you only have the lights on when they are necessary. In addition to this, the user can set the system to (day/night) mode, which will allow the system to dim the lights automatically as the sunsets.

Air Condition Regulated

The home automation system allows the user to set a specific temperature for each room and schedule the temperature change for the whole house according to his/her preference. Energy savings are evident as the system maintains the required temperature and automatically decreases the air conditioning and heating system when you are away from home. In addition to this, the temperature change is coordinate with other automated electronics like shades, fans, and lights. Set your home’s temperature to a programmable mode and enjoy consistent savings.

Shades Down

Have anybody know how hot a room gets when the sunlight is falling directly through the window? There is a way to save your air conditioning system from tax caused due to the effects of sunshine bursting through your windows. The home automation system has motorized shades with a heat detector that automatically closes at specific times of the day and keeps the house cool and operating at peak efficiency. Additionally, the user can enjoy the benefit to lower the shades with the touch of a button

Ceiling Fan On

Programmed ceiling fans set to turn on and off at prearranged scheduled times. Additionally, they help the heating and air conditioning systems work more efficiently by circulating the warm and cold air around the house. They also help in decreasing the resource consumption in the entire house throughout the year and saving you more money regularly.

All Off Command

While leaving home in a hurry, we left the lights and television on by accident sometimes. The home automation system is programmed to sweep through your house and notify about the electronic devices that are still running and turn them off right away on your command. The user can also activate a complete and customized “All Off” household feature: by the preparing of your security framework, the motioning from a movement sensor, or the closing of your front entryway. The “All Off “feature ensures peace of mind that you haven’t left anything On at home. Additionally, it saves energy.

Decrease Phantom Energy Drain

Astonishingly, many appliances drain a reasonable amount of energy even if they are turned off and not in use. These appliances include almost everything from your dryer to washing machines. The plugged-in devices yet turned off consume up to 10 percent of the electricity used in your monthly electricity bills. In the past, the only way to save this energy was to unplug the appliances when they are not in use. The home automation system shifts the machines to “standby” modes, which appropriately and efficiently saves energy every month.

You can enjoy countless benefits of the home automation system, including increase energy saving, decrease the overall household expense, and increases the appliances lifetime.